Monday, January 11, 2010


It is a festival where they celebrate those who turn 20..supposingly at 20 you're already an adult n mature n all 24 this year n i dun feel any more mature than those younger than me..or is it just my problem? LOL! most probably!

The empty stage bcoz we were lost and were 15mins late..
Girls in pretty..i felt like an ugly duckling..ohya n most of d guys in suits..

Of course i tebal muka sikit and asked them for pictures 2gether.

See..told u d whole floor full of pretty girls in kimonos

Please excuse my sampat face..

See..super pretty rite..i wan a kimono 2..but its really expensive to get fren yukiko told me tat hers is from her mum..her mum got it from grandma..n so on so on..
I saw a shop selling today and its ard rm200plus..but not so nice eh ler d design n quality..mayb i will buy one..

LOL..ok..tis is me 'ki hiau-ing' i kept looking at d tall d pic he chose to pose like hes picking his nose...i know i know...quite sampat looking but i swear when hes not posing n standing straight hes super cute ok....and d 2 guys squattin oso super cute *drool*
But they're only 20...wasssssssted!

D gal on my left..her kimono is really does not show in d pic tat clearly...

More of me n my sampat face

I tried to see how they tie their obi..but it looks vr complicated...i gave up even b4 trying to tie..LOL!

Once we're in d hall theres an orchestra greeting grand hor..when i turn 20 like tak ade apa like tat...turn mar turn big deal...this 1 smr got orchestra *sigh* different life..LOL!

The ceremony only lasted like 1 hour..but i think it took them more than 1 hour 2 dress they doll up so nice 4 d 1 hour only...cheh! Banyak kerja...but i banyak envy ok...i wanna wear kimono n look like a doll oso..i will go hunt for my kimono!
ok..that's all!


  1. yeah....really...i wan d tall guy! tan n tall n cute wit nice hair *drools*

  2. btw...wat's with the "peace" sign? most of ur picciess also got...hehehehhe...

  3. あなたにほんへいきますハンサムなみます。。。
    correct or not? teh せんせい。。。。
