Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Raya

Since it is Raya Day 1 n Anisa went to Malay-chan...a Malaysian cuisine restaurant...
We both had curry mee...yum!

And curry puffs...the fillings was so yummy!
And after tat lepak around Sunshine myself two English Novels for rm25...and when our legs kenot walk anymore..lepak in a cafe to was a happy day as i also got myself cute cheap kiddy rings *smiles*
Going Yokohama later for a Malaysian/Thai party organised by Leafcup. But leaving early like 3 to walk around Yokohama.
ok...thats all!

Bus Trip--Again!

Yet another bus trip but then this time i dun mind it so much bcoz it was to Fuji-san n Fuji-Q...
So different from when i was there during spring with boyfie n his looks like an ordinary mountain here without the snow peak..but even tho it is summer...its still cool up there..a nice change

See...hes like so reluctant to be in a pic wit me *sigh*

I totally love the grilled qiant squid in Fuji-san...i had that the last trip n was craving for it ever since..its super duper juicy i want it now....

The fella cutting into smaller size pieces for easy eating...i was standing there drooling n waiting like an anxious kid..

So in order not to look stupid i walked around n snapped distract myself

The view was amazing! Me and the view=even more amazing...LOL!

A normal expression from him...

Next amusement park..i was dragging my feet...dun really wanna go...

So he was sulking bcoz he was with the most boring gf...who only wanted to go up on kiddy were in a ferris wheel....i absolutely love ferris wheels...i think i've been up to 3 in Japan...n i wanna go up on more!

Horror rides...i despise!

I did not manage to snap a pic of Fuji-yama horror ride...bcoz it kenot fit into my camera..LOL...its ard 3 minutes ride...more than enuff to kill me...n my frens said they haf no words to describe the super awesome...watever la i memang tak boleh mia..

This ride looks harmless...just swingin u higher n high as the celero shot ones....but then i still kenot..i am lame..

Then I chose another ride....rowing...LOL!
It was so hot i tot we will be cooler near the water..
I was so was hard work n we were sweating profusely...semacam sports day he said..LOL!
The clock ride....i oso tak boleh!
Ohya in this amusement park they have a haunted hospital...said to be the scariest in the will take around 50minutes inside to find ur way out if ur not scared dead by the zombies...
So i memang kenot do this one as well..LOL...i am too too lame!
And thank god the waiting time was 3 hours...boyfie wanted to go....fuuuhh!

It is so big n i know if i go in i will never come out alive mia...

It was so hot i rather we stayed up in Fuji-san longer than goin to the amusement old i admit.
ok thats all!