Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Before we went Tsukijoji...we went Harajuku for okonomiyaki buffet..1000yen for 90min! Once we reached we were greeted by bamboos..so vr pretty i hate my stupit phone camera!
But the place is so secluded i thought no one can ever find it..i was wrong..lotsa ppl were there and after making ourselves sick wit okonomiyaki we saw a long line formed outside the restaurant...

There were a few choices...wit pork/beef/kimchi/ebi/natto/curry etc etc
1st i had the ebi 1...the mixture...

Ohya went wit allie-of coz..brie..her jap bf..and shannon...i duno y i did not take pics of them..LOL! Food is more important!

My okonomiyaki cooking...

We had monja too..looks like vomit but yumyum!

Brie's boy making d monja...

My kimchi okonomiyaki....you can see im not vr good at it..a bit burnt..

After that some damage at Harajuku...i can never come out of Harajuku unharmed..but this time its really good buy! 315yen-RM12 for a vr pretty long pink skirt and 525yen-RM20 for two tops! I love em all!
Thank god i have Allie to drag me out..we went Tsukijoji hoping to see Sakuras..
The place is perfect...for dates!

I want a good camera....The sun was out too...we were soaking it in...

I heart Allie...

We only found 1 pathetic tree blooming wit sakuras...the rest still looking dry n sleeping...

Nah...if u squint really hard u will b able to notice sakuras...

Dangos...mine Miso...hers shoyu...it was so big compared to what we usually have i had to buy it! LOL..
Ohya...both of us can eat like cows n still stay thin..LOL! Look at her tak sabar wanna eat hers..

Dango is actually grilled mochi...its really good!
And we had crepes for dinner..LOL! Mine strawberry cheesecake cream....its one of the best i've ever had!

After that we walk around the town n i encouraged Allie to get a bright blue coat-4000yen...LOL! Im a bad fren i know especially when we r both saving up to spend more in Kyoto but.....but hor it fits her perfectly lor..
And im tired of how japanese ppl thought im japanese n im like bringin my angmor fren who is on vacation out...they keep toking to me hoping i will translate it for Allie...till at last i tell them im not japanese then they do their typical shock faces..sienzzzz niar!
We will go Tsukijoji again after Kyoto...wanna see Sakuras n mayb do picnic...
Thats all im so dead im suppose to be studyin for finals!


  1. My dear Malaysia-made-Japanese friend,

    your blog gonna be more interesting if your photos are clearer! LOL!

    u're using phone camera issit? please use ur camera! ;p

    I want u to be famous blogger one day..hheheheh!

  2. haha good name sh..

    wei the monja looks yummy!!!! makes me hungry now =.=

  3. elaine: i alwiz mm seh tak wanna invest in cameras leh..LOL..cheapskatenya..

    eunice: nx time u come i belanja u!
