Friday, June 4, 2010

Sports Day

It was so mad hot no kidding...but mad fun! Thank god i was well prepared wit white top white jacket n white cap wit my utterly cute and cheap umbrella!
Boyfie not happy bcoz he was hot n tired...but he was cheered up watching me skipped clumsily during my race and when i could not get a ball into a net during another race which i replaced my fren bcoz she was absent and im kind (i curse her for my embarrassment) my fren told me he was hitting his chest bcoz he was so pekchek watching me trying so many times and the ball still could not get in when the other teams were already doin other was a relay kinda thing n im first so i kinda slowed down the a replacement im not vr good at sports...blame the girl who is suppose to do it but was absent!

See...the sun chose yesterday to be extra hot!

Some of my classmates..

We had cosplay competition too..our team silver was doing Alice in Wonderland and even did a cute dance...adorable sial! We WON u know!
The trump, rabbit and magician...
Oh n some other team doin MoMoTaro....damn cute! eh no but we were cuter! they got no dance..LOL! im so competitive!
The bird, dog, Momotaro and the Oni (devil)

See....damn cute rite the Alice...shes a boy! LOL! n the Queen is a teacher..damn cute!

Lol my fren the magician is so cool he let us fraw his face...he said the uglier the better..LOL!
This team was doing A Cafe in Akihabara---Maid Cafe...and the Otaku is a teacher..mad cute!
My rap teacher was a Superman...LoL
He wanna act cool but failed!
Heng..Allies boy was Astroboy..LOL! Not same la...theirs were Superhero theme..

Loren as Super Mario...
Some guy but so pretty hor?

More guys as geisha and student..i think some Naruto characters but i did not watch Naruto
The bird from Momotaro...
Im not sure wat character this is...
After that we had the gunboru race....u know the hamster ball thingy...except this is a human race n the ball was made from cardboard boxes..i laughed to death watching them...
It was so amusing!

We also haf relay race...tug-of-war...skipping...n some cute races but i did not snap any pics...
Were so tired towards the fren slept during the gunboru...wasted bcoz it was so cute..LOL! Thank god i dun haf to join or i will make a fool out of myself again!
Ohya and i made Teriyaki Chicken to go with the bento rice but it turned out as Lemon Chicken...yummy when it was hot but not so nice cold...i failed!
Im totally a good wife i even cut up pineapples for desert...his fav!
ok thats all!

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