Friday, November 5, 2010

Meiji Jingu Shrine

We were both waiting for Sue n her bf to contact we hang around OIOI... l look so tall in this pic...loves!
We were sooo very bored!

Was doing nth sitting on a bench in the u see how wu liao we can b!

After received a mail from Sue to meet at n boyfie decided to go visit the famous Meiji Jingu Shrine...since its only like a few minutes walk away from Harajuku..

So very pretty la the road to the shrine...
Nah....nth vr vr special la...except the walk there...

I cheap dunwanna spend money so i never wish...LOL!

After the shrine we waited for Sue n bf in a bus stop...LOL...bcoz theres a bench vr vr sien kenot tahan ade went to have desert while choco wafer wit vanilla ice cream n cream on the side...heaven!

His parfait..he loves desert too...sweet stuffs...semacam me..Was in the cafe until Sue n bf called.....
Oh and this mini apple is so yummy!
ok..thats all!

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